Password Authentication
One of the simplest methods of deciding which clients are able to connect to the server and which are not, is by using password authentication.
This can easily be implemented in DuneNet by using a module.
In this example, we will create two new classes that derive from DuneModule
: ServerPasswordAuth.cs
and ClientPasswordAuth.cs
We will first provide the whole code for the example and then we will explain the important aspects of it.
using System;
using System.Text;
using DuneNet.Client;
using DuneNet.Shared;
using DuneNet.Shared.Modules;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Client.Modules
public class ClientPasswordAuth : DuneNet.Client.DuneModule
private string _password;
public ClientPasswordAuth(string password)
_password = password;
public void ChangePassword(string newPassword)
_password = newPassword;
protected override HandshakeRequest OnSendHandshake(HandshakeRequest previous)
previous.IDToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
previous.Secret = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(_password);
return previous;
protected override void OnHandshakeSuccessful(DuneConnection conn)
Debug.Log("Auth successful, setting ourselves ready.");
protected override void OnHandshakeError(DuneConnection conn, string error)
Debug.LogError("Auth error: " + error);
using System;
using System.Text;
using DuneNet.Server;
using DuneNet.Shared.Modules;
namespace Server.Modules
public class ServerPasswordAuth : DuneNet.Server.DuneModule
private string _password;
public ServerPasswordAuth(string password)
_password = password;
public void ChangePassword(string newPassword)
_password = newPassword;
protected override HandshakeResponse OnRespondHandshake(HandshakeResponse previous, string idToken, byte[] secret)
string clientPassword = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(secret);
if (clientPassword == _password)
previous.Allowed = true;
previous.AuthenticationToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
previous.Allowed = false;
previous.Error = "Wrong password";
return previous;
This module takes care of generating a random identification token and encoding a password of our choice.
First of all, we define a new class that derives from DuneModule
public class ClientPasswordAuth : DuneNet.Client.DuneModule
The DuneModule
class provides many overridable methods that we can use to extend the functionality of DuneNet beyond what the main controllers provide.
In our case, we want to override the OnSendHandshake(HandshakeRequest previous)
method, which is called when the client is expected to make an authentication request. This happens after the client has precariously connected to the server but before the server responds with any kind of game state data.
The previous
argument of this method is the result from the previous module in the module chain and can be used to chain multiple authentication schemes such as Steam Authentication Ticket validation and password authentication. We might also use this argument to modify our authentication ticket or secret depending on what authentication schemes are currently registered.
protected override HandshakeRequest OnSendHandshake(HandshakeRequest previous)
previous.IDToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
previous.Secret = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(_password);
return previous;
Here, we simply override the identification token from the previous module with a new random Guid and we set our authentication secret to a Unicode encoded byte array of our password. You might want to set the authentication token to something meaningful for your system, like a Steam Authentication Ticket if you are using Steam.
We then return our modified HandshakeRequest
object for the next module to process. If no additional modules are registered, the HandshakeRequest
object will directly be handled by DuneNet.
Please, do note that the previous
argument cannot and will never be null, so null checking it is redundant and unnecessary.
protected override void OnHandshakeSuccessful(DuneConnection conn)
Debug.Log("Auth successful, setting ourselves ready.");
protected override void OnHandshakeError(DuneConnection conn, string error)
Debug.LogError("Auth error: " + error);
As with the previous example, we also take the opportunity to set our connection ready once the server has authenticated the client.
In this case, however, we go a step forward and override the OnHandshakeError(DuneConnection conn, string error)
method in order to print a message to the console when our authentication request is rejected by the server. In this example, the server would reject our authentication request if the password we provided does not match the one being evaluated by the server.
This module takes care of authenticating new clients by checking that the provided password matches the one we defined on the server.
First of all, we define a new class that derives from DuneModule
public class ServerPasswordAuth : DuneNet.Server.DuneModule
The DuneModule
class provides many overridable methods that we can use to extend the functionality of DuneNet beyond what the main controllers provide.
In our case, we want to override the OnRespondHandshake(HandshakeResponse previous, string idToken, byte[] secret)
method, which is called when the server is expected to respond to an authentication request. This happens after the client has precariously connected to the server but before the client is able to become ready.
The previous
argument of this method is the result from the previous module in the module chain and can be used to chain multiple authentication schemes such as Steam Authentication Ticket validation and password authentication.
protected override HandshakeResponse OnRespondHandshake(HandshakeResponse previous, string idToken, byte[] secret)
string clientPassword = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(secret);
if (clientPassword == _password)
previous.Allowed = true;
previous.AuthenticationToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
previous.Allowed = false;
previous.Error = "Wrong password";
return previous;
Here, we first decode the password the client provided us with using the same encoding (Unicode).
Then, we check that the client's password matches the server's password. If this is the case, we set the Allowed
property of the previous
argument to true, telling the next modules that the client successfully authenticated against the current module. We also set the AuthenticationToken
property to a new Guid. You might want to set this property to something that identifies the user in your system, like a SteamID if you are using Steam.
If the client did not successfully authenticate, we set it to false and we also set the Error
property to a descriptive error that the client will get when it gets kicked out of the server.
We then return our modified HandshakeResponse
object for the next module to process. If no additional modules are registered, the HandshakeResponse
object will directly be handled by DuneNet.
Registering the modules
Now that we have created both modules, we need to register them with DuneNet. This easily accomplished by using the DunneClient.Use()
and DuneServer.Use()
methods. Please, do note that only one instance of each module type can be registered at the same time.
For this example, we can simply modify the ServerInit.cs
and ClientInit.cs
classes from our last example.
using DuneNet.Server;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace Server
public class ServerInit : DuneNet.Server.DuneMonoBehaviour
protected override void OnAwake()
DuneServer.Use(new ServerGreeter());
DuneServer.Use(new ServerPasswordAuth("123456"));
DuneServer.NetworkController.Init(new GlobalConfig
MaxHosts = 20,
MaxNetSimulatorTimeout = 12000,
MaxPacketSize = 2000,
MaxTimerTimeout = 12000,
MinNetSimulatorTimeout = 1,
ReactorMaximumReceivedMessages = 8092,
ReactorMaximumSentMessages = 8092,
ReactorModel = ReactorModel.SelectReactor,
ThreadAwakeTimeout = 1,
ThreadPoolSize = 1
}, new ConnectionConfig
AckDelay = 33,
AcksType = ConnectionAcksType.Acks32,
AllCostTimeout = 20,
BandwidthPeakFactor = 2,
ConnectTimeout = 2000,
DisconnectTimeout = 2000,
FragmentSize = 500,
InitialBandwidth = 0,
MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount = 10,
MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize = 100,
MaxConnectionAttempt = 10,
MaxSentMessageQueueSize = 896,
MinUpdateTimeout = 10,
NetworkDropThreshold = 5,
OverflowDropThreshold = 5,
PacketSize = 1440,
PingTimeout = 500,
ReducedPingTimeout = 100,
ResendTimeout = 1200,
SendDelay = 0,
SSLCAFilePath = "",
SSLCertFilePath = "",
SSLPrivateKeyFilePath = "",
UdpSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize = 0,
UsePlatformSpecificProtocols = false,
WebSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize = 0
}, 20);
if (!DuneServer.NetworkController.Listen("", 7000))
Debug.LogError("Error initializing network.");
using DuneNet.Client;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
namespace Client
public class ClientInit : DuneNet.Client.DuneMonoBehaviour
protected override void OnAwake()
DuneClient.Use(new ClientGreeter());
DuneClient.Use(new ClientPasswordAuth("123456"));
DuneClient.NetworkController.Init(new GlobalConfig
MaxHosts = 1,
MaxNetSimulatorTimeout = 12000,
MaxPacketSize = 2000,
MaxTimerTimeout = 12000,
MinNetSimulatorTimeout = 1,
ReactorMaximumReceivedMessages = 8092,
ReactorMaximumSentMessages = 8092,
ReactorModel = ReactorModel.SelectReactor,
ThreadAwakeTimeout = 1,
ThreadPoolSize = 1
}, new ConnectionConfig
AckDelay = 33,
AcksType = ConnectionAcksType.Acks32,
AllCostTimeout = 20,
BandwidthPeakFactor = 2,
ConnectTimeout = 2000,
DisconnectTimeout = 2000,
FragmentSize = 500,
InitialBandwidth = 0,
MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount = 10,
MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize = 100,
MaxConnectionAttempt = 10,
MaxSentMessageQueueSize = 896,
MinUpdateTimeout = 10,
NetworkDropThreshold = 5,
OverflowDropThreshold = 5,
PacketSize = 1440,
PingTimeout = 500,
ReducedPingTimeout = 100,
ResendTimeout = 1200,
SendDelay = 0,
SSLCAFilePath = "",
SSLCertFilePath = "",
SSLPrivateKeyFilePath = "",
UdpSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize = 0,
UsePlatformSpecificProtocols = false,
WebSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize = 0
}, 20);
if (!DuneClient.NetworkController.Connect("", 7000))
Debug.LogError("Error initializing network.");
You can try changing the password on the client and reconnecting multiple times to test that the password authentication is working properly. You might do so like this:
((ClientPasswordAuth) DuneClient.GetModule<ClientPasswordAuth>())?.ChangePassword("abcdef");
DuneClient.NetworkController.Connect("", 7000);
What's next?
In the next example, we will create our first entity and we will learn how to synchronize movement and arbitrary data.